Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A little more New York

I realized that I never finished sharing the rest of my New York pictures. I'll remedy that right now.

The team was handing out these bags one day. They wrote a verse on the bag and then filled it up with something. I'm still not quite sure what they filled it with because when I tried to investigate, I was intercepted. Those teens were watching my every move.

I rode the subway once, too. It was fascinating. I wondered why no one wanted to sit by me. Maybe I still had deli breath.

I tried to catch up with Pastor Paul when the team ate at a Chinese restaurant. He always seems to slip away just before I arrive. I nibbled a bit of his leftover food anyhow. I knew he wouldn't mind.

I couldn't even find him at bedtime. I liked trying his breathing machine. Maybe when I get home again, he'll let me use it sometimes.
Unless, that's where I lost my gum?
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