Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

(Humming softly) Take me out to the ballgame,
Take me out with the crowd,
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back...(stops humming)
Oh, wait.
Today is special. Pastor Paul isn't going to show up here, ready to play ball with me. It's Father's Day.
I still want him to know I'm thinking of him so I guess I'll have to tell him with poetry:
I once had a dad,
When I was just a lad,
I lost him long ago,
I still miss him so.
Now Pastor Paul is like a father to me,
More caring and kind than he has to be,
I'm so glad God gave us to each other,
Like a father to me but, in Christ, a brother.
Happy Father's Day, Pastor Paul!
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

A further clue

Here's another clue for the game! Don't forget to leave me a comment with your guesses!

While we were in Central Park, I got to play in the sand box with Alannah, Lizzie, and Lakeisha. It was a lot of fun, even though it was dry and there wasn't any mud to roll around in.

Have you figured out the clue yet?

Notice Alannah and Lizzie. No black jackets or even long sleeves. Bracelets.

Notice Lakeisha. Green shirt. Short person.

Is that any help?
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Central Park game

Today has been such a lovely day that I was reminded of our time in Central Park.

I got a good aerial view. It's a big park!

Now here's the game.

Feel free to leave your answers in the comment section. I'm thinking of sending an autographed picture to the winner.

1. Can you guess whose arm appears in the picture?

2. Name four things that are different in the two pictures above.

I'm anxious to hear your answers. I'd really like to know who it was that grabbed me from behind and held me up there.
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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Times Square Church

Another place our group visited in New York was Times Square Church.

Pastor Sarah still has a lot of friends here, from her time working here. You'd think, with her history with this place, I'd be able to sit in a gold seat instead of these red ones, wouldn't you? But no, rules are rules and even though I claim Sarah as a sister, I still couldn't sit in one of those reserved seats. I think I qualify as "pastor's family", don't I?

I'm sure those gold seats go up and down much more easily than these red ones. I had to jump up and down several times to get this seat to open. Thankfully, I didn't get squished while trying.
I've decided to look on the bright side. I'm much more photogenic on these red seats than I would be on the gold, and I'm sure Jesus would have chosen to sit in the red seats if he came to this church. So, I'm content to stay here.

Aah, comfort. Soft and squishy, just like a theater.
I could go for some popcorn about now.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

American Bible Society

It seems like I'm always a little bit behind.

I'm easily sidetracked.

I meant to tell you all about my trip to New York but, somehow, I got distracted.

When we went to the American Bible Society, I wanted to write some of my thoughts about God on this Expression wall.

Unfortunately, every time I'd reach down to write, I'd tumble off like Humpty Dumpty.

I finally decided it was easier to just pray. And much less painful.

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