I went to Family Camp to look for Pastor Paul.
I knew where he and Kay always camp so I went there right away. What happened to their fifth wheel? I thought their pop-up days were in the past.
I asked Ben if he had seen Pastor Paul around. He sent me to some guy who sings like Elvis.
Then I saw Seth. He suggested I check the GaGa pit. He said that everybody goes to the GaGa pit. Unfortunately, when I found the GaGa pit, I was once again mistaken for a ball.
Pastor Nate rescued me from the GaGa pit. He thought I wanted to play a little football. I didn't.Pastor Burton sent me to the Kincaid School of Dance. He said Pastor Paul always liked to go there during Family Camp when he was younger.
I guess he was close friends with the owners years ago. When I told them who I was looking for, they told me they didn't know where he was but when I find him, they'd like me to let them know. They've been trying to find him for years.