Thursday, April 23, 2009

Did you know

that tomorrow, April 24, is National Pigs in a Blanket Day?

I've bundled up appropriately for the occasion and it's got me thinking.

Wouldn't something like, oh, say, January 24 be a better choice?
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I tried. I really tried.

I so wanted to spend Easter in my home church.

I made it home late on Saturday night. I crashed for the night, intending to be up bright and early for church.

Well, probably not bright and early. But certainly in time for the worship service.

I forgot all about daylight savings time. Did that start today or something?

When I got to church, the furniture was all moved around. I went to the front, hoping there had been communion and I'd be able to take the sacraments to my comfort.

All I saw were plants that I think might be toxic to pigs, and plastic eggs. I know from experience that those aren't very tasty.

Thankfully, I was invited out for lunch.

I arrived at my hosts' home and admired the lovely table setting, especially a yummy looking centerpiece.

They didn't have a chair high enough for me to reach the table so they invited me onto the table to eat.

After the blessing, I headed straight for those flowers. I think pink flowers are the most flavorful, don't you?

Imagine my shock and horror when I rounded the vase, looking for a good spot for munching.

There was...oh, I'm not sure I can even say it...a...HAM!
I hated to eat and run but I grabbed a couple of those flowers and was on my way.

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